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Charlotte Bicycle Accident Lawyer

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Have you been injured in a bike crash recently? An experienced bicycle accident attorney with a client-oriented and persuasive approach will help you recover maximum compensation instead of a minimal settlement!

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Charlotte is one of those cities in North Carolina that has experienced a true boost in population over the past ten years. 200K more drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians have been added to the busy streets of the city. While the local authorities seem to understand all the risks that such a spike brings, growing numbers of serious bicycle accidents and traffic fatalities remain a serious concern in the area.

Such vulnerable road user categories as bike riders are very susceptible to the dangers lurking on the streets. That is why every cyclist in the city must know their rights and have an equal opportunity for qualified legal representation should anything happen.

Meet Our Experienced Charlotte Bicycle Accident Attorneys

For decades, the Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group has been defending the rights of injured bicyclists across the state. Our team has been handling the most complicated bike accident cases that other law firms discarded due to different reasons. The growing success rate and substantial compensations prove that our experienced Charlotte bicycle accident lawyers are persistent, tireless, and well-versed in personal injury laws.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group Charlotte, NC
Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group Charlotte, NC

We believe in justice and the power of a personalized approach for every client. If you need a legal assistant who will become your reliable partner, trusted friend, and skilled law expert, call us for a free case evaluation today!

What Do You Need to Do After a Biking Accident?

Getting into a bike accident is a stressful and traumatic experience, which leaves few clear-minded. However, the first steps you take after the crash may predefine the future outcome of your claim. So, if you’ve been hit by a car or involved in any other type of cycling incident, we advise you to take the following steps:

  • Get to safety

    No matter how obvious it may sound, your health is of utmost priority. If possible, move from the middle of the road. In case you’re badly injured, make sure that you remain visible.

  • Get help

    You should report even a minor accident, let alone a catastrophic one. Call 911 as soon as possible. The emergency services will tend to your injuries and list all the details of the collision in their official records.

  • Get evidence

    In case your traumas are said to be minor and don’t require immediate hospitalization, you should investigate the scene of the accident. Also, it helps gather contact information for all the involved parties.

  • Get legal advice

    You must be cautious of what you say to anyone at the scene, especially the insurance company representative. It is in your best interests to contact an experienced bicycle accident attorney. They will instruct you on how to act to solidify the case.

When Should You Hire an Experienced Bicycle Accident Lawyer?

A legal assistant can make a difference in a cycling accident case. It is best to call a legal advisor right after the accident. Many law firms provide free consultations so that a field-trained lawyer will point you in the right direction from the first moment after the incident.

However, there are a few indicators that you need to hire an attorney immediately. For instance:

  • You’ve sustained severe injuries and damages
  • The responsible party has fled the scene
  • The driver denies their fault or contribution
  • The at-fault party lacks proper insurance coverage
  • The insurance company disputes or denies your losses.

2024 Bike Accident Statistics in Charlotte

North Carolina shows a controversial approach to bicycle safety. While the state went up the bicycle-friendly rank in 2024, some cities showed a notable increase in vulnerable road user fatalities. For instance, in Charlotte, over 120 bicycle accidents take place annually — three crashes out of those lead to cyclist deaths, on average.

As opposed to other cities, the rates may not seem that overwhelming. However, the research proves that a 20% spike in bicyclist fatalities deserves more attention than it gets. The following stats will keep you posted on the most dangerous locations to bear in mind while riding your bike in North Carolina:

  • 53% of serious collisions take place in rural areas.
  • 24% of accidents happen on dark or poorly lit roads.
  • Almost 80% of collisions occur on unprotected or shared lanes.
  • High-speed limits increase the severity of sustained injuries in nearly 70% of bicycle injury cases.
  • 45% of bike incidents take place at an intersection.
  • Only 8% of accidents happen in protected lanes and paved shoulders.

What Are the Leading Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

A combination of various factors can lead to a serious bicycle crash. However, some causes are more plausible than the rest. Most incidents on the streets of Charlotte happen because of:

  • Inattentive drivers: Negligent driving encompasses a variety of aspects, ranging from checking devices to eating behind the wheel. Yet, even a slight shift of attention can result in a dangerous road situation that may result in severe traumas or even a wrongful death an unintentional fatality caused by other people’s negligence.
  • Failure to yield: According to a recent statewide survey, over 9% of serious bike crashes happen because motor vehicle operators ignore the right of way they owe to bicyclists.
  • Dooring accidents: Not everyone realizes that parked cars are as much of a threat to bike riders as moving vehicles. When a driver forgets to check their side mirror and does not notice an approaching cyclist, they may hit them with the car door, causing serious harm.
  • Road rage: Some motorists do not like to share the lane with cyclists, often considering them more of an obstacle than a rightful road participant. Inappropriate gestures, phrases, or actions, such as tailgating, can easily disrupt the rider’s control of the vehicle and send them under the wheels of the approaching traffic.

Frequent Types of Injuries in Charlotte Bicycle Accidents

All bicycle accident cases differ from one another. However, the lack of obvious protection that a bicyclist has means that they can get severely injured even in a seemingly minor collision. Usually, cyclists suffer the following injuries:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Even when a rider wears a protective helmet, the risk of serious head injury remains. Varying-scale concussions, fractures, and brain bleeds may lead to severe cognitive implications with a lasting, if not permanent, impact on the victim.
  • Back traumas: Spinal injuries can also have a life-altering impact on the injured rider. Depending on the severity of the impact on the vehicle or surface, the cyclist may experience temporary or permanent paralysis, loss of limb sensation, and other conditions that affect their mobility.
  • Fractures: Various broken bones, such as wrists, ribs, ankles, arms, and collarbones, take time to heal. Some fractures may even require complex surgeries and reconstructions, while others lead to chronic pain and lengthy rehabilitation.
  • Road rash: When a person falls off their bicycle, they are most likely to sustain severe abrasions, which take time to heal and, in some cases, leave permanent scars.
  • Internal organ damage: Most bicycle accidents involve blunt force injuries. The most severe and dangerous are internal bleeding and organ damage. These conditions take time to manifest, but if not detected on time, they lead to lethal outcomes.

Main Types of Damages You Can Recover in a Charlotte Bicycle Accident

Bike accidents can inflict a wide spectrum of losses on the victim. Usually, they are grouped into two categories — economic and non-economic. In rare cases, punitive damages can be claimed.

Economic Damages

All the tangible expenses, such as medical costs, lost wages, and property damages, fall under the category of economic damages. This type of damage aims to cover all the past and upcoming expenses that a victim may face as the result of an injury. Remember that the at-fault party must compensate for your lost earnings or lower earnings.

Non-Economic Damages

Every biking accident has a personal impact on the injured party. The damages that a person or their family suffers consequently are described as intangible losses. These losses include, but are not limited to, pain and suffering, PTSD, depression, emotional distress, anxiety, and other psychological conditions that can negatively affect the victim’s quality of life.

Punitive Damages

This type of damage has two primary purposes — to punish the at-fault party for their extreme recklessness and to prevent similar incidents in the future.

What Is My Charlotte Bicycle Accident Claim Worth?

You can use an online settlement calculator to determine the approximate amount of compensation to which you are entitled. However, although the algorithm can guide you, it may not provide a comprehensive view as it cannot access and assess certain aspects. For instance:

  • The severity of the injuries: A severe brain injury with a lasting or permanent effect on your life will require long-term expenses and ongoing medical attention. Only an expert legal advisor can evaluate those to the fullest extent.
  • Insurance coverage limits: In some instances, the at-fault party may not have a sufficient policy to cover the inflicted damages. If that is the case, you will have to find other sources of compensation or pay for all the costs out of your own pocket. Once again, a skilled lawyer can point out some alternative legal avenues.
  • Contributory negligence: According to North Carolina law, if a victim contributed to the accident by even 1%, they would be barred from any compensation. This is called the contributory negligence law, which the state still abides by. Yet again, a field attorney can help you counter any claims of shared liability and help you secure maximum reimbursement.

Our Case Settlements

Hit-and-Run Incident
Collision with a Motor Vehicle
Unsafe Road Conditions
Distracted Driving Case

Main Liable Parties in a Cycling Accident in Charlotte

Depending on the underlying conditions of the accident, there may be more than a single party to hold accountable. It is possible to file a claim against the following entities:

  • Vehicle operators: Many bicycle collisions involve a motor vehicle. If it is a passenger car, you can hold the driver or their insurance company liable for your losses. In case you’ve been injured in a commercial vehicle accident, then the driver’s employer will have to compensate you for the damages.
  • Vehicle manufacturer: Defective parts of the bicycle, the frame, tires, or brakes may serve as the primary reason for the crash. That is why it is possible to hold the manufacturer responsible for the incident. However, it takes solid evidence to prove that the bike was defective when you acquired it.
  • The state or the local municipality: Not everyone knows it is possible to hold the state of North Carolina or any of its cities liable for a bicycle accident. If a lack of proper infrastructure, poorly maintained roads, or a missing signature has led to a crash, the governmental entity will have to reimburse the damages and injuries sustained.

How Do You Prove Negligence?

It takes a solid-built case that proves the other party’s negligence to recover maximum compensation for your losses. There are four main pillars that a success-oriented claim is based on:

  • Duty of care: Every road user has a legal responsibility toward other participants — their duty of care. Whether it is a vehicle driver case or a bicycle vs pedestrian claim, either of the mentioned entities has a set of rules to abide by. For instance, motorists must follow state-approved traffic rules, and pedestrians have to behave reasonably and with care while walking or crossing the street.
  • Breach of duty: Any violation of the entity’s responsibilities as a lawful road user means that they breach their duty of care and put other people at risk. For example, when a motorist ignores a stop sign or runs a red light, they have broken their duty. The same refers to a pedestrian who suddenly steps into a bike lane without checking for an approaching vehicle.
  • Causation: An injured victim has to prove a direct connection between the violation and the accident. You can use any available evidence, such as witness statements, digital proof, or incident reconstruction, to support your claim.
  • Damages: To support the validity of your monetary expenses and other consequent losses, an injured cyclist should also provide medical bills, receipts, loss of income documents, expert conclusions, and other available evidence.

Why Choose the Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group to Represent Your Case in Charlotte?

The advantages of our professional representation go beyond extensive legal knowledge of North Carolina laws. A trained bike accident lawyer can assist you in the following ways:

  • Relentless negotiations

    We know how reluctant insurance companies are to issue a fair settlement. Our lawyers will fiercely defend your interests and deflect any lowball offer until you receive the rightful compensation.

  • Strategic approach to case building

    It takes reliable evidence to file a success-oriented claim. We’ll assess and investigate the case on every level, gathering the remaining pieces of evidence to prove the other party’s liability.

  • Increased settlement amount

    Our calculations go beyond apparent expenses. We’ll evaluate economic and non-economic losses in detail, ensuring that you receive a fair reimbursement for your past as well as future damages.

  • Compassionate support

    It is a challenging experience to recover after an accident. Our team will take care of all stages of the legal process, keeping you informed yet shielded from unnecessary strain.

  • Contingency fee policy

    We understand the financial pressure that an injured client is already under, so we offer risk-free cooperation. You don’t have to pay any upfront fees or hidden charges before the settlement is finalized.

Cycling Laws in Charlotte

Just like many other states, the state of North Carolina views bicycles as full-on vehicles. This means that cyclists must follow the same traffic rights and regulations as other motorists. So, while riding the streets of Charlotte, you should remember the following:

  • Bicyclists are allowed on public roads but shouldn’t ride on fully controlled-access freeways.
  • All vehicles must be equipped with fully functioning lights and reflectors.
  • Cyclists have to ride on the far right side of the street in the direction of traffic.
  • It is forbidden to ride under the influence.
  • All riders under 16 years old must wear a protective helmet. The rule does not apply to adult cyclists, although it is recommended.
  • Bicycle riders owe the right of way to pedestrians.
  • Bicyclists must signal with their hands when changing lanes, making turns, or coming to a halt.
  • It is allowed to ride a bike on sidewalks as long as the local municipality doesn’t state otherwise.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Bicycle Accident Claim?

In Charlotte, as well as the rest of the state, a plaintiff has a three-year timeframe from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim if they seek compensation that fully covers their losses. It is important to note that there may be certain exceptions to the rule based on the underlying conditions or consequences of the bicycle accident. 

So, it is always a good idea to discuss it with a legal advisor to know where you stand. If you miss the state-approved deadline, you may lose your right to any settlement.

Contact a Charlotte Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today!

A bicycle accident is often a source of painful injuries, mental anguish, and piling expenses. All these challenges are often topped with a fierce battle for fair reimbursement of your damages that insurance providers argue and deflect. Each attorney in our law firm understands these difficulties and is ready to offer a helping hand. 

Contact our team today, and we’ll help you solidify your claim, build a strong case, defend your rights, and recover maximum settlement, all while you focus on physical and emotional recovery. A single free consultation can significantly change your situation!

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If you’re a cyclist who has been in an accident, call today for a free initial consult about your legal claim. We’re here to help with your legal questions. Contact our law firm for coast-to-coast bike accident and personal injury representation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Biking Accident Lawyer in Charlotte?

It depends on the legal advisor you choose. Some lawyers charge per case, while others may offer an hourly rate. For instance, Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group works on a no-win, no-fee payment basis. Such an approach eliminates additional financial toll on the victim. The firm charges a before-discussed percentage of the settlement only when the case is successfully closed.

Can I Still Recover Compensation if I Was Partially At-Fault for the Accident?

North Carolina abides by a contributory negligence rule, which bars a chance of compensation if the victim is found as much as 1% guilty in an accident. You can recover damages if you can prove you couldn’t have avoided the incident or the defendant had a chance to but didn’t. Usually, it takes a professional legal advisor to succeed with the case.

How Long Does it Take to Resolve a Bicycle Accident Case?

There isn’t a single timeframe for resolving a cycling accident dispute in Charlotte. The severity of a cyclist’s injuries, liability, and insurance negotiations often predetermine an approximate timeline. Minor incidents may take a few months to resolve, while serious accidents may take up to a year or more to settle. In addition, if the insurance company denies your case, you must go to trial, which delays resolution.