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Chicago Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Record-setting verdicts
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A bike accident can change a cyclist’s course of life forever. Our bicycle accident attorneys work hard to bring justice along with fair compensation for injured victims despite the challenges!

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Chicago is one of the largest and most populated cities in the USA. It is known for its street food, green spaces, and cultural attributes. It also has a growing cycling community, although this type of transportation remains very dangerous due to the lack of proper infrastructure and other bicycle-friendly adaptations.

The cyclist fatality rate in Chicago is over 5%. It is not the highest across the country, but it is concerning enough to ensure that if anything happens to you or your loved ones, you know what to do in such a situation. Keep in mind the Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group always has your back!

Meet Our Chicago Bicycle Accident Lawyers

We are a team of professional bicycle accident attorneys based in Chicago. While each member of our team is a certified and seasoned legal expert, every other expert in our law firm is also an avid cyclist. It is safe to say that we know all the challenges that injured cyclists face from personal experience.

Our successful track record proves that our legal representatives have zero tolerance for negligence and a heightened sense of justice. We fight to defend your rights and secure a maximum settlement for the losses, pain, and suffering that you have had to endure while you concentrate on your health and complete recovery!

Chicago Bicycle Accident Statistics

Chicago remains one of the most dangerous cities cycling-wise in America. Partly because of the lack of well-equipped bike lanes. There are around 50 miles of shared lanes in the city. The high speed limit in the area poses another concerning challenge, since riding next to a car driving at 30 mph speed is a risky adventure.

Fatal Chicago Bicycle Accident Statistics

The following table reflects the recent trends in bicycle accident fatalities.

  2019 2020 2021 2022
Population 2,693,976 2,677,643 2,696,555 2,665,039
Total fatalities 141 190 233 192
Pedalcyclist fatalities 5 8 11 10
Percentage 3.5% 4.2% 4.7% 5.2%

Based on the recent reports, it is evident that the fatality rates among pedalcyclists are on the rise. Since the beginning of 2024, there have been registered over 2300 bicycle incidents across Chicago with varying scales of injuries inflicted. Yet, in 2022, a similar number of pedalcyclist crashes covered all of Illinois.

What Do You Have to Do After a Bicycle Accident in Chicago?

When faced with a challenging situation, it can be challenging to maintain focus and rationality, particularly if you’ve never encountered it before. That is why every cyclist should be aware of an approximate course of action to take to ensure their safety and the successful outcome of their future accident claim.

  • Get to safety

    It is vital to get off the busy street after an accident as quickly as possible. If you can move on your own, you should take your bike and get to the side of the street to prevent further damage and consequent crashes.

  • Get medical assistance

    Sometimes, cyclists feel fine and seem unharmed after a collision. However, it takes time for some injuries to manifest. In cases that involve a blunt force impact, it is imperative to have a medical professional check you. Besides, every medical record is another reliable proof of your case.

  • Call the police

    When the police arrive at the scene of the accident, they will document it in detail, stating the time, location, damages, and parties involved in the incident. You can also use the police report you obtained to support your injury claim.

  • Collect evidence

    If you can stay at the scene, implying that your injuries are minor, you should take photos of every detail that seems important. Take pictures of your injuries and damages to attain valid proof of your losses. Talk to the eyewitnesses and record their statements to make sure that the other party does not shift fault later.

  • Get legal advice

    Some cyclists underestimate the worth of professional legal assistance. However, if you want to receive the fair settlement you deserve, contacting a trained lawyer in Chicago would be a wise decision. Some law firms even send their attorneys right to the scene so that they can take over the case from the beginning.

How Can a Chicago Bicycle Accident Lawyer Help Your Case?

As an injured bicyclist, you’d have numerous issues to handle at once. A well-versed bicycle accident attorney can take at least some of the burden off your shoulders. Here are some of them:

  • Precise case evaluation: Professional personal injury lawyers possess the unparalleled legal expertise necessary to evaluate your claim and guide you in the right direction. They will help you understand your rights and list all the legal options available.
  • Detailed case investigation: Not all the evidence lies on the surface. At times, it may be necessary to delve deeper to uncover crucial evidence. A seasoned legal advisor will collect all the reports, statements, and recordings to build a solid case.
  • Persuasive negotiations: Every insurance company tries to minimize the requested reimbursement. If you don’t want to settle for a lowball offer, you should entrust your attorney with the negotiations, and they will fight for rightful compensation on your behalf.
  • Well-handled paperwork: It is imperative to file a personal injury claim within a state-approved timeframe. However, as a bicyclist starts to deal with the aftermath of the accident, they may not pay enough attention to the legal deadlines. A skilled legal assistant will ensure that everything is admitted on time and according to the existing requirements.

Main Types of Damages You Can Recover After a Bicycle Accident in Chicago

Often, people assume that only their financial losses are up for reimbursement after an accident. However, you can also seek compensation for personal, non-monetary losses. 

These are the main types of damages you can claim after an incident:

  • Medical expenses: Medical bills usually make a significant part of the settlement that an injured cyclist files for. It is possible to seek compensation for emergency care, hospital visits, surgeries, therapy, and rehabilitation. Moreover, you can claim both past and future expenses inflicted by the condition.
  • Property damage: If your bicycle or any other personal item gets damaged or destroyed in the crash, as a plaintiff, you can recover the cost of repairs or complete replacement of the ruined belongings.
  • Loss of income: When a bicyclist can’t go to work because of the injuries sustained in the accident, the at-fault party or their insurance provider is obliged to cover the victim’s lost wages in full. Moreover, should the cyclist’s earning capability change, the consequent losses must be calculated and reimbursed.
  • Physical pain and suffering: Not every type of damage can be reflected through bills and receipts. However, emotional distress, depression, loss of joy in life, and other personal suffering can be estimated and recovered through a solid-built claim.

What Are the Main Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Chicago?

Every cyclist must be aware of potential dangers lurking on the streets of Chicago to minimize their chances of getting seriously hurt. There are a few typical causes that often lead to catastrophic outcomes:

  • Distracted driving: A recent survey states that as many as 1.6 million crashes across North America happen yearly because the driver gets distracted by a device. Reaching out for a phone, checking a message, or consulting the GPS device may lead to the wrongful death of a fellow bicyclist in the blink of an eye.
  • Speeding: A significant number of hit-and-run accidents involving a cyclist occur because the vehicle driver exceeds the speed limit in the area and ignores traffic signals and signs. Such reckless driving gives the at-fault driver less time to react and stop in time, inflicting severe injuries on the rider.
  • Opened doors: In Chicago, many bicyclists have to ride close to parked cars because of the shared lanes. When a driver opens the door without checking their side mirrors, they may initiate a serious dooring accident. A cyclist ramming into the vehicle, or even worse, falling off their bike into the busy street, may sustain severe and life-threatening traumas.

What Are the Most Typical Injuries in a Bicycle Accident in Chicago?

The more serious the accident is, the more severe the consequences will be. Usually, the traumas that a bicyclist can sustain in an accident are divided into the following categories:

  • Head trauma: Most head injuries, such as traumatic brain injury, concussion, or skull fracture, pose a serious danger to the cyclist. Even if the rider wears a helmet, these traumas may inflict lasting cognitive issues, memory loss, and chronic headaches.
  • Back injuries: The back is one of the least protected parts of the biker’s body. When a cyclist falls off the bike and hits the surface with full force, they may suffer serious spinal injuries leading to paralysis, loss of sensation in a limb, and other mobility issues.
  • Fractures: Broken bones are yet another common trauma that cyclists all over the state suffer from. The bones absorb the full impact of the collision and break under such immense pressure. Sometimes, multiple fractures occur, leading to lengthy rehabilitation and chronic pain.
  • Dental injuries: Very often, cyclists fall head first, landing with their faces on the ground. That is why broken teeth, fractured jaws, lacerations, and bruises are other typical injuries a bicyclist can suffer in an accident.
  • Road rash: Seemingly minor, such common injuries as skin abrasion can leave deep wounds and scars. Not to mention, if left untreated, road rash can cause serious infections.

How Much Is a Bicycle Accident Case Worth in Chicago?

Even the most experienced bicycle accident lawyer won’t give you a precise formula as to how an injury settlement is calculated. There are a few significant factors that affect the overall worth of any case:

  • Severity of injuries

    The more harm a cyclist sustains in an accident, the higher the compensation will be. However, it does not mean that you shouldn’t recover lesser damages.

  • Liability

    In some cases, a bicyclist may be found partially liable for the incident. Depending on the assigned percentage of guilt, the final reimbursement can be decreased if not entirely denied.

  • Insurance limits

    If the at-fault party’s insurance policy does not cover the full scale of the sustained injuries, the accident victim may have to seek alternative ways to recover their losses.

  • Disability

    In case the cyclist develops a permanent disability, it will be accounted for when determining the final reimbursement as well. 

Our recent settlements

Hit-and-Run Incident
Collision with a Motor Vehicle
Unsafe Road Conditions
Distracted Driving Case

Who Can Be Found Liable for a Bicycle Accident in Chicago?

Even though two main parties are often found guilty in bicycle accidents all over the state — the driver and the cyclist — there are other potential contributors to consider:

  • Pedestrians: Every bicyclist should yield the right of way to a pedestrian. However, in some instances, the pedestrian can jump in front of the rider and initiate a serious collision.
  • Bike manufacturers: Riding a defective bicycle is yet another way of getting into a serious accident. Yet, in this case, you can file a claim against the manufacturer who failed to produce a safe vehicle.
  • Government entity: If local authorities fail to maintain roads, signs, and other infrastructure property, and that results in a bike accident, the cyclist can hold the city liable for injuries and losses they sustain.
  • Cyclists: A negligent bicyclist who rides recklessly and initiates a crash will be held accountable for their actions based on the damage they cause.

In some cases, there may be more than one party liable. A qualified Chicago bicycle accident lawyer will help you determine fault and recover maximum compensation no matter the difficulty of the case.

How to Prove Fault in a Bicycle Accident?

Not every bike accident is as straightforward as it initially appears. A strategic approach and thorough investigation are necessary to establish liability and maximize the value of your claim. There are a few common aspects to assess to ensure the case’s success:

  • Official reports: A cyclist must attain a police report and any other official document that provides an unbiased version of events.
  • Medical records: Hospital bills and other related documents that confirm your injuries and other medical conditions may be used to support your claim.
  • Photo/video evidence: Digital evidence of your traumas and damages, along with the available surveillance footage, will assist in your personal injury case.
  • Witness testimonies: If any witnesses saw the accident and they can provide corresponding statements, you should use them to prove your innocence and the right to a fair reimbursement.
  • Accident reconstruction: The most complicated accidents may require a professional opinion to determine liability. In such instances, the field experts will be involved in reconstructing the accident and share their opinions on who’s to blame.

Chicago Cycling Laws

A bicyclist riding their vehicle in Chicago is a rightful road user according to state laws and local regulations. There are a few relevant measures that any cyclist should be aware of before getting out on the streets of the city. Abiding by these laws will ensure enhanced safety and compliance on the road.

  • Cyclists must move in the same direction as the rest of the traffic.
  • A bicyclist can use the right side of the road if there are no special lanes in the area.
  • In Illinois, most municipalities request that all riders under 17 wear a helmet. The rule does not apply to adult bicyclists but counts as an additional safety precaution.
  • Every bike must be equipped with proper lights and reflectors, along with well-functioning systems that ensure the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Cyclists can use a sidewalk as long as they ensure the right of way to pedestrians.
  • A police officer may stop the vehicle and check the rider when they see something suspicious.
  • No more than two cyclists are allowed in the lane.

Statute of Limitations for a Bicycle Accident Claim in Chicago

Every state has its own regulations when it comes to a personal injury claim timeframe. In the state of Illinois, the deadline is two years from the day of the accident. If a bicyclist fails to file the claim within this period, they may be denied any compensation at all.

However, it is vital to remember that there may be different exceptions to the rule based on the varying consequences of the incident. To be sure that you are within a legally approved timeframe, you may want to consult a Chicago bicycle accident lawyer first.

Contact Our Chicago Bicycle Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation Today!

A bike accident may turn into a devastating experience that no cyclist should face on their own, especially while trying to recover from the physical and mental trauma of the incident. At Bicycle Accident Lawyers Group, we provide all-encompassing legal assistance, starting with a free case evaluation, no-win, no-fee payment policy, and ending with expert trial representation.

Call us today, and let us ease your burden and help you recover the highest compensation you deserve! 

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